Where to do ayahuasca in Cusco

Where to do ayahuasca in Cusco?
Ayahuasca in Peru is legal and has been used for generations in the different Amazonian regions in Peru and South America. An Ayahuasca retreat is a life-changing experience, and the benefits of the Ayahuasca depend upon 2 things: your openness, and pre-preparation. There are several places in Cusco where you can participate in a retreat, just be aware that an Ayahuasca retreat is more than just a psychedelic experience. A serious practitioner retreat center is a proper business that complies with the governmental requirements, has an established office in Cusco, and a structured team of Shamans, coordinators, and therapists. A legit Ayahuasca retreat center provides a holistic approach instead of just a psychedelic experience.
Here are a few options:
Etnikas Retreat Center: Etnikas is one of the most reputable Ayahuasca retreat centers in Cusco, it is located in a beautiful valley and offers a range of ayahuasca retreat programs, including traditional shamanic ceremonies led by experienced curanderos.
Healing tree center: is an ayahuasca retreat center located in the Sacred Valley, about an hour’s drive from Cusco. They offer traditional ayahuasca ceremonies and San Pedro retreat.
Portal of Life: is a retreat center located in Cusco with over 14 years of experience, they offer Ayahuasca retreat, San Pedro, and Kambo, among other non-traditional activities.
Travel & Healing: This is a partner retreat center that works with Etnikas, and offers a range of ayahuasca retreat programs, including traditional shamanic ceremonies
Ayaterra Center: offers traditional Ayahuasca and San Pedro retreats at Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley of Cusco. The retreat is led by experienced and respected Ayahuasca shamans.
Shamanic Vida: Shamanic Vida is an ayahuasca retreat center in the Sacred Valley, about an hour’s drive from Cusco. They offer traditional ayahuasca ceremonies, plant medicine retreats, and spiritual healing workshops.
Most Ayahuasca retreat centers in Peru are focusing on healing and aiding people from all over the world with the Ayahuasca plant, find a retreat center that addresses fairly their Shamans, coordinators and all staff, because that is the people you will work with your Ayahuasca retreat, a transformation journey requires the support of people who loves their jobs and have that potential lightness to assist the participant as human being and not just as another random participant. Remember that Ayahuasca is only a stage in your life, do not confuse the potential of the Ayahuasca as something messianic that happens only to you.