Peru Shamans

Peru Shamans – Shipibo Konibo Shamans are expert Ayahuasca healers

The Ayahuasca ceremonies and long treatment programs with the medicinal plant Ayahuasca are carried out. Under the guidance and protection of Peru’s most well-respected Shipibo-Konibo Shamans. Whom we bring from their communities to our Center in Cusco. Shipibo-konibo shamans from Pucallpa are the most skilled and authentic native shamans. Most Ayahuasca shamans from Pucallpa are leading Ayahuasca retreats worldwide in different retreat centers. At Ayaterra center in Cusco, we are blessed to have some of the eldest Ayahuasca Shamans.

Ayahuasca shamans from Pucallpa

Peru shamans Grew up close to the region of Pucallpa, deep in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. Most of these Ayahuasquero shamans are trained as a shaman from childhood, under their grandmother’s and Father’s view. Shipibo-konibo shamans came from a long lineage of powerful and gifted healers, dedicated for generations to their communities’ healing and spiritual development, through Ayahuasca and other Amazon master plants.

The Ayahuasca Shamans

Our Ayahuasca shamans are constantly developing their abilities and knowledge as a healer. We employ the Ayahuasca shamans for a period of 3 to 5 months. To then allow some time to return to Pucallpa, to purify, and follow a rigorous diet based on medicinal plants. Ayahuasca Shamans are employed for different energetic tasks. At our retreat center, they focus on understanding the deep healing effects of Ayahuasca, and how this can improve the spiritual, emotional, and physical state of our participants.

Begin your own journey of inner discovery and healing transformation through Ayahuasca and the master plants of the Amazon rainforest, in a range of experiences with us: from 1 day ceremonies, weekly and monthly retreats, to more extended shamanic training programs. Please contact us for pricing and course availability, and for any questions, you may have about Ayahuasca, our ceremonies, and more details on the work we do at the Ayaterra center.