Ayahuasca retreat Peru – Healing Approach
Ayahuasca retreat Peru, with the aid of plants, it’s possible to awake a new sense that is closed in each of us, because not all cultures are likely to make use of plants in a traditional or medicinal way, it’s important to consider that there is a fundamental difference in our local ethnic groups, that is totally different to any other concepts.
Ayahuasca Vine
All over the Amazon basin we find many languages and many communities most of them already in contact with the civilized world, but some of them remain uncontacted this groups are rarely seeming around, and we catch a glimpse of them from time to time around the river banks, they are still hunting, collecting and fighting, there is not religion to them and they have found a way to recover themselves whenever they fall sick. Just as they use the camouflage of the rainforest to remain uncontacted, they will also use the Mother rainforest to survive, there is a privilege if you grow here, the healing rainforest will convey a knowledge, so sacred that only the ethnic groups will be able to hear and comprehend.
Ayahuasca Amazon Peru
Here is where the eldest individual of an ethnic group becomes a curandero or a shaman, not to mention that shamanism is the oldest healing tradition on our planet. For generations to this day we have been in discreet contact with our local shamans, and in any circumstance this is as a first option or as last resort. A real shaman knows how to provide that essence of well-being.
They have remained in their regions for many generations, and their people have practiced consistent application of given plant species for different aliments over millennia, and transmitted the tradition and long-term experience from one generation to the next by means of curanderos and shamans. As a result of these practices, their medicinal flora consists of a wide variety of species which provides potential therapeutic agents to treat different diseases.
Ayahuasca retreat peru, the medicine Ayahuasca is not exclusive to a determined community, this is widely used all over the Amazon basin. At Ayaterra, we work with different native Masters, such as Shipibo, Konibo from the Upper-Ucayali, Ashaninka from the southern part of Peru, and the ese’ja from the south-eastern part of Peru, all of them are authentic figures of respect and admiration in their communities.
For the ceremony with the medicine Ayahuasca, a shaman will create an energy field during the session, to enable you to have the most powerful experience possible, by eliminating first all the dark or negative elements that we collect during our everyday life.
It’s not only the substance but also the experience of a good shaman that helps to open your consciousness, soul or that universe that is in each of us, to cross that boundary, the shaman will sing a number of Icaros, each plant has a special Icaro and this melody will be entrusted to the shaman by the plant itself after a determined time of diet based on the plant.
Ayahuasca Icaros
To induce healing, the shaman sings the Icaro of the Ayahuasca and tabacco to call in the spirit, during this healing journey, the shaman is the most important element to align the physical, mental and spiritual state, the traditional indigenous Icaros reaches a peak experience, here is when the shaman announces se abrio, which means that he is able to work from inside by cleansing sorrow, grief, negativity, old traumas, and most importantly releasing you completely of that terrible grip that makes you feel fear or sick, people have no trouble accepting light, but they have a difficult time with darkness.
At the Ayaterra center in Peru, we provide Ayahuasca retreat of different lenght from Ayahuasca session to 7 Days Ayahuasca retreats, please get in touch with us Ayaterracenter.com