About the Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca first and above all is a means of transcending those barriers that keep us from communicating with our collective unconscious, like plants and animals in our visions. In the amazon basin we do not refer to Ayahuasca as a hallucinogen or psycdelic agent, but as a tool to restore balance, to reconcile with our ourselves, to find harmony with our surrounding, to come to terms with our impermanence, to solve high level problems with dire physical consequences, and most importantly to be a better person, to be nicer with each other, all this is about becoming something better.
When a foreigner or local come to us, we present them with the real solution, a plant that has been put on the planet to help us with our own evolution, the mother of all healing plants, the beautiful thing about Ayahuasca is that it heals us on different levels, it heals the body, cleanses each corner of our body through the purge, and it cleans out the emotional field by allowing us to process our old traumas and liberate ourselves from our personal issues, this will put people in front of a celestial realm, that opens up people’s spirit so they are willing to accept healing. Not only gives you the ability to heal your body, but it can also show you through visions of what you are destined to do here on the planet. We can say that there is not system to Ayahuasca, but an immense intelligence this is a teaching plant, and it has to be approached and treated with a lot of love and respect.